APAS 2000 - Sports Analysis Archives - Long jump comparison

APAS 2000 > Sports Analysis Archives > Athletics > Long Jump > Lewis, Carl </COMMENT>

APAS 2000 > Sports Analysis Archives > Athletics > Long Jump > Powell, Michael </COMMENT>

Instructions: use left-mouse to rotate, right-mouse to translate, middle-mouse (or Alt-left) to zoom. Use the Tracing option to select a point that you would like to trace. Use the speed and position sliders to control the animation. Use the reset and rotate buttons to change the angle of view.

Compare two athletes in this virtual world. Remember, this is just a demo. When developing this system, it must be possible to have multiple athletes inside one virtual world. This will allow side by side comparions of athletes.

See also: Carl Lewis' incredible long jump - Mike Powells successful World Record attempt.

This page was last modified on 08.22.2000 (C) Ariel Dynamics Inc.